Fragger valorant
Fragger valorant

fragger valorant

Refers to a part of the map with a deep corner that players can hide and peek from behind.It’s often used in callouts such as, “CT spawn” referring to when an enemy is coming from the defender’s spawn.A term that has been brought over from Counterstrike, referring to “counter terrorists” which are equivalent to Valorant defenders.An advanced firing technique that allows you to shoot accurately if you simultaneously fire when you strafe in the opposite direction.Example: “The back site cubby is clear.”.When the attackers thoroughly check the site before planting the spike to decrease the chance of a hidden defender sneaking upon them.To defensively hold an area for a long time, waiting for an enemy rather than seeking them out.Refers to indicating a place on a map by a particular name, such as “Heaven”, or “Elbow”.When your team chooses to buy but can’t afford a full-buy and it isn’t a force buy.When your team is close to losing or the sides are close to switching so you spend the rest of your remaining credits and buy what you can.Usually a combination of heavy shields + a Vandal/Phantom/Operator/Odin.

fragger valorant fragger valorant

When your team is able to buy to be fully equipped.Refers to the decisions teams make in relation to buying guns and managing their economy.An advanced technique that allows you to mix up your movement and move slightly faster than sprinting by buffering your jumps and air strafing.Typically you want to take weapons that avoid close quarters combat since a team that is saving can often afford shotguns.Refers to buying weapons to try to keep a lead over a team that is resorting to saving.When one player kills every player on the enemy team.

Fragger valorant